Monday, October 27, 2008

Slowcooker Curry

I don't like Indian food. Some of my friends from college claimed that our mutual dislike of curry made my roommate and I racist. I dispute that by pointing out that I have a number of Indian friends, and that I dislike as many American foods as ethnic dishes. That being said, I dislike spicy food. Like, a lot. It burns my mouth and I find it uncomfortable. I don't like the sensation of having my mouth set on fire. Some people apparently do. So I don't go out for Indian food.
However, making it myself? So I can adjust how much curry goes in? Yum.
Here is the recipe for a simple "No Hurry Vegetable Curry" based on the recipe in "Fresh From the Vegetarian Slow Cooker." It is adapted slightly for our mondo-normous six quart slow cooker.
  • Potatoes - 2-4 potatoes, diced
  • Onion - 1 medium, diced
  • 2-3 carrots, sliced on a diagonal
  • garlic, minced
  • curry powder
  • cayenne pepper
  • 1 can diced tomatoes, drained
  • 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 8 oz string beans, sliced into 1 inch pieces
  • frozen peas - half cup
  • half cup of coconut milk.
  • Six quart slow cooker
  • Pan (I've renamed my 2 inch deep frying pan/skillet/cooking dish the "always pan" because I use it daily.)
  • Spatula
  1. Put onion and carrot in pan on medium high heat in some olive oil to soften
  2. Add garlic, curry powder, and cayenne pepper (this is where your personal spice tolerance comes in). Allow to coat and heat.
  3. Put in slow cooker stoneware.
  4. Add potatoes, chickpeas, green beans, tomatoes, and anything else except the frozen peas and coconut milk.
  5. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. (If your crockpot is defective like ours and runs too hot, go for 5-7.)
  6. Add coconut milk and green peas 1/2 hour before serving. Stir into curry.
  7. Serve over naan bread or basmati rice. (I love the Trader Joe's Na'an bread. Its amazing.)

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